Saturday, December 7, 2019

Nomads and their effects on China and Egypt free essay sample

Nomads have been known to roam the eastern hemisphere since the beginning of time. The nomadic people and their incursions had affected China and Egypt both, however there impact varied greatly from region to region. China and Egypt both share that the nomads brought chariots to either region and cultural diffusion, but they differ in the fact that in Egypt most people were forced to become nomadic and driven out of their homes, while China did not. The nomads of China and Egypt mainly brought cultural diffusion to each region. From each place the nomads traveled from, apiece of that culture got incorporated into China and Egypt, bringing new ideas, and improving society. Chariots were also a similarity that the nomads brought to both China and Egypt. Mainly nobles, and the military used the chariot as a way of transportation. The chariot was also a way of showing social hierarchy, and also improved warfare tactics. We will write a custom essay sample on Nomads and their effects on China and Egypt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In warfare tactics both regions greatly adopted the use of archery (cross bow) because of the chariot. The chariot was a mobile archery platform, and also great for protection since there wasn’t much armory in either region at the time. Not only did the chariot improve warfare tactics, it brought new hunting games and races to the regions, as more peaceful and pleasurable events. These similarities greatly impacted and improved the great societies of China and Egypt. The effects of the nomads and their incursions on China and Egypt differed in many ways. The Chinese living near the Yellow River had to become nomadic due to agricultural reasons and because of incursions with the nomads. Then, while in Egypt the nomadic life style was forced upon them. If they did not believe in the nomadic ways or â€Å"convert† they would be kicked out of their homes as a threat or way of showing nomadic power. Due to the Chinese becoming nomadic because of agricultural reasons and incursions, many issues formed between the non-nomadic Chinese people and the nomadic Chinese people. For 2,000 years the nomads harassed, invaded, and even conquered the settled agricultural civilizations of the Chinese  empire causing many unnecessary incursions. Counter to that the nomad people helped flourish the Egyptian life style along the Nile, raising its population tremendously. They started to make large farms, increasing irrigation over time, and then because of the improvement of irrigation they no longer needed farms. When there weren’t as many farms because of irrigation, people started to gear towards specialized jobs, truly forming the Egyptian civilization by improving w riting. Lastly one other difference of the effect of nomadic people and their incursions on both Egypt and China was, in China the nomadic people concentrated on herding their animals, and in Egypt not so much. They truly focused more on herding in china rather than Egypt, because of the geographical region, where irrigation was not promising. I think the differences between the way the nomads affected China and Egypt were do to the way the different empires were run. The governments were ran differently, there for making it tough for the similar attributes the nomads brought hard to affect them both in the same way. Mainly due to clime, government, and history there is no way the nomads could impact China and Egypt in the same way. In the end whether the effect of the nomads and their incursions were similar in both China and Egypt or different, those attributes that were brought to the societies by the nomads helped form those two top regions today. Student name: ___________________ AP Generic Rubric Comparison Essay Basic core Competence Requirements Points 1. Has acceptable thesis. Addresses comparison of the issues or themes specified. 2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. (Addresses most parts of the question: for example, deals with differences but not similarities) 3. Substantiates thesis with at least five pieces of appropriate historical evidence. (Partly substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence) 4. Makes at least two relevant, direct comparisons between / among societies (at least one similarity and one difference) 5. Analyzes at least one reason for a similarity or difference identified in a direct comparison

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